Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Things You Should Know Before Installing Solar Panels

                                                  Things You Should Know Before Installing Solar Panels

Solar energy is a renewable form of energy, it is clean and it is being adopted as a mainstream source of energy by many all across the globe. The fact that natural resources are depleting at a faster rate is a known event. In such a scenario, having personalized solar panels Chandigarh could turn out to be gold. Here are a few things you should keep in mind before installing it:

Take note of the area where you want to install it

You can install a solar panel on the roof of your house, but make sure that it’s strong enough to withstand the load of it. The old and weak structured roof is not considered suitable for this use. Repairing any damage onsite must be done beforehand if installed.

Location of the panels should be kept in mind

In order to get the most out of these panels, make sure that it’s been located at a place where enough sun rays are fallings. If your house is located at a place where sun rays aren’t proper then it’s not ideal to use the panel.
Chandigarh is one such state in India, which is actively supporting rooftop solar installation. Solar panel manufacturers in Chandigarh are helping the city to completely transform itself in the renewable sector. The government of Chandigarh has reduced the cost of rooftop solar panels by 30%. People receding in this part of the world see it as a welcome move. With an increase in demand for rooftop solar panels in government buildings, the aim is now to target the commoners.

Pick the panel that best suits you

While most of the solar panel Chandigarh has opted for rooftop installation of the solar panel. There are options for an individual to mount it on the ground too. The cost of such a project is said to be more than the former. Use of tracker in a solar panel is also possible. The tracker follows the sun, and chases it down and generates the power. Beside all these, you can choose panels depending on the size and efficiency of it.

Your financial statement

The fact that you need to consult and have a check of the state policy is equally mandatory. The budget set for it should be kept in mind.  Installation cost is just a part of the entire process, the device needs a routine checkup and thus there’s also a maintenance cost attached to it. You need to find a company that’s dealing with this kind of project in order to install it. They will guide you and will give you an estimate for the project.


In a country like India, where the sun is shining brightly all day in the sky, the use of solar power is not just cheap, but reliable too in the long run. States like Chandigarh, are trying their bit in the field of utilizing solar energy. It was declared a model solar state in the year 2012. Solar panels are said to have a lifespan of 25 years and hence are a good investment in the long run. With natural resources at its all-time low, there’s an increasing need to invest in renewable resources. Other states of India needs to take equal measures for the same.

Monday, February 18, 2019

How long will it take to pay off my system? 5 Things to keep in focus while installation 2019

   Top 5 Things to keep in mind while installing Solar Panel

We all know that these days global warming is taking a major place in our lives. But these days we are avoiding these things because of our busy schedule and not able to focus on our health and atmosphere. Our natural things like birds are suffering from a major problem. When they take rest on the wire because of high electric power they die birds are not able to understand that they should not use these wires for any purpose. There are many more things that are affecting our environment because of electricity. So we should once try solar panels are environment-friendly and it increases the cost of the home. We know that Chandigarh is a smart city and it’s our duty to keep every city updated need and clean like Chandigarh now we has to take one more step for our city is to apply Solar Panel Chandigarh. There are many places (solar companies in Chandigarh) which can give us better options and cheap rates for the solar panel.
There are some major benefits of Solar Panel
Fewer Expenses: - Solar panel takes one-time investment while installation there is no need to pay again and again for electric bills. The capacity of the solar panel is higher. This is less expensive than the supply system. The capacity of the solar panel of working is 30 years as we keep it maintained and in proper condition, it depends on maintenance.
Increase the home value: - As we decorate our home like wooden work in kitchen and bedroom and tiles in bathroom installing a solar panel on residential place has the power to increase the value of your home.
Environment-friendly: - Another benefit of solar panel is that while using solar energy we can also save our environment the use of solar panel increasing worldwide. It is a renewable and clean source of energy so from last few years it is used greatly. There are a number of solar panel dealer in Chandigarh you can compare and check out the rates for the selection of solar panel.
Avoid Noise Pollution: - while installation and use solar panel works silently without any noise. Such things that we cannot see in another thing like wind and hydraulic energy.

Healthy conservation: - Solar energy is not only a form of sustainable but infinitely renewable energy consumption. The energy comes from the sun. So it does not end there until the sun is exhausted.

                                                  You can visit our website for more details 

Monday, February 11, 2019



Availability of energy resources is a crucial factor for sustaining life on this planet. Not only is it required for carrying out activities for this planet’s well-being but also for its ongoing development. Consumption of this energy is required to keep the Earth engine running along with its inhabitants. It is the necessary fuel that keeps this engine always running. But since these fuels have an expiry date it is essential to use these precious gems conservatively. Get best Solar Panel Chandigarh at very low and reasonable prices.
Our planet is witnessing a substantial increase in technology and population, which subsequently gave rise in demand for energy. This surge of necessity has resulted in the depletion of non-renewable commodities thus producing the possibility of scarcity for the future generation. To prevent such situations from arising concerned personnel have provided alternative ways of consuming energy to reduce their depletion. These non-traditional means help to preserve these resources and keep a balance in their utilization.
Providing energy efficiency, these alternate approaches have gained a huge demand due to its conventional and environment-friendly properties. Countries like Sweden, Germany, Costa Rica, Uruguay, China, and even Denmark are all encouraging alternative ways for energy utilization. Go for solar save money with electricity bills contact our top 10 solar companies in Chandigarh.
Even India is not falling backward in opting this subsidiary approach and has installed large solar plants in states like Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Rajasthan. Societies relating to non-renewable usage of energy are there providing necessary information and requisites through their websites such as SuryaRayForce to guide any individual or institution installing solar plants in India. Though shifting towards this approach is worthwhile its efficient utilization and a longer lifespan is of utmost necessity to those who are adopting this second approach.
Alternative methods such as those running on solar power require batteries for it to function. These solar-powered batteries depend on factors like operating temperature, depth of discharge and life-cycle that can affect its lifespan.
In order to make these batteries last long and get the most out of them here are some of the tips that might help in extending their vitality:
  • Minimizing your usage of batteries at the bank can help extend their sanctioned durations. Using several of them leads to an increase in its resistance which results in uneven charging.
  • Leaving your batteries uncharged for an extended period of time can cause damage in their charging properties. Hence it is necessary to allow the charging source of the battery to continue functioning and thus continuously charging the battery.
  • Enhancing equalization of solar batteries i.e. overcharging your batteries can prevent uneven charging of individual cells which often leads to accumulation of lead-sulfate crystals on its plate. Equalization helps in knocking off these build-up and help all the cells to attain full charge.
  • Prohibit the use of electrolytes or battery additives as it hinders the life of the Large interconnect battery cables such as 4/0 in the range of 12V to 24V or 2/0 for systems using 48V provides less resistance and offers optimal and proportional charging. Apply Solar system in Chandigarh the smart city and apply for your money somewhere else in investment.
  • Batteries that are sized properly are certain for providing a longer Though GEL cell batteries majorly opt for their longer lifespan of five to seven years Lithium batteries are safer and conducive for the environment and also have a longer lifespan.
Solar batteries are reported to function well when together and sized appropriately. While you are shifting towards environment-friendly options these solar powered systems is your best option to go green.